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Le Graal retrouvé à Lincoln

Publié le par Khrist

Un chercheur aurait retrouvé le Graal dans la cathédrale de Lincoln en Angleterre. L'article de l'Express parle de sa découverte. On peut le retrouver sur le site de l'Express: Le Graal retrouvé à Lincoln. Vous pouvez aussi lire l'article directement sur le blog. Attention, l'article est en anglais mais si vous le souhaitez, je pourrai faire une traduction approximative pour ceux que ça intéresserait. Il suffit d'en faire la demande dans les commentaires.




TREASURE: The 'Holy Grail' was found in Bishop Sutton’s tomb at Lincoln Cathedral / Doug Marke

Sunday June 20,2010
By Graham Ball, Exclusive

For 2,000 years the Holy Grail has been the most sought-after relic of the Christian world. Now one man believes he has traced the chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper to the heart of England. GRAHAM BALL speaks to the author EC Coleman about its journey through the hands of saints, kings and crusaders.

For millions of believers the Holy Grail is the most precious object on earth. The chalice, which Christ drank from at the Last Supper and was later used to collect some of his blood at the Crucifixion, is a priceless Christian relic.

For centuries the faithful have searched in vain to find it. Finally it has been discovered, overlooked and unrecognised, in the corner of a cathedral in the heart of England.

Retired Royal Navy officer EC Coleman has spent years studying ancient texts and believes he has at last solved the mystery of the Grail’s disappearance.

“I never intended to start out on a search to find the Holy Grail. I was interested initially in researching the links between the Crusaders, England and the medieval saints,” says Coleman.

Le Graal de Lincoln

EC Coleman believes that the artifact is the Holy Grail


“However the more I read the more I was led along a trail that explained the extraordinary journey this lost relic has taken.

“I am well aware that over the years there has been masses of speculation and there have been plenty of bogus claims by individuals who claim to have unravelled this secret, which has baffled researchers for more than 700 years. I don’t claim any special advantage over the others, I simply followed the evidence, the written evidence. Now I can confidently confirm that the Holy Grail is located in Lincoln Cathedral.”

Historians and academics will be astonished by the revelation that Christendom’s most prized historical object
has been under their noses for decades.

In 1889 Lincoln Cathedral was undergoing repair. A group of workmen lifted a large Portland marble slab and revealed the tomb of Bishop Oliver Sutton, who died in 1299.

Inside the grave archaeologists found a chalice next to the skeleton; it was still standing where it had been placed almost 600 years earlier. It was made of silver, 4½in high and completely without decoration.

“This was the Holy Grail but no one acknowledged it. Subsequently it went on show on a shelf in the Cathedral’s treasury where you can see it today but there is nothing there to say what it really is,” says Coleman, who has just published The Grail Chronicles describing his quest.

“Finding such artefacts in the tomb of a bishop was not at all unusual and putting them there may well have been normal practice in the Middle Ages but this chalice was different,” says Coleman.

“Previously discovered examples were richly engraved but this one had a simple elegance rendered slightly homely by the use of plainly visible rivets to join the different parts of the stem. I have never touched it but it has been very nice just to be near it. In my own mind and in all good faith I am confi dent that the chalice recovered from Bishop Sutton’s tomb is the Holy Grail.”

How can he be so sure this is the vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper and mentioned in the Gospels by Saints Mark and Luke?

“I know some may disagree with my findings but that does not worry me,” says Coleman, who has led four expeditions to the Arctic and has written eight other historical books.

“I have published my reasoning and am perfectly happy to debate the facts with anyone.

“There are people who claim that the Holy Grail is in Italy, Scotland or somewhere else in the world but these claims have no evidence to support them. I am happy to share the evidence I used, which I believe is overwhelming.”

His search for the Holy Grail was not driven by dreams of fame or fortune. He simply wanted solve the riddle.

“I’ll just be perfectly happy for those that care and who are genuinely interested to go to Lincoln and see the Grail and know that the mystery has finally been put to rest,” he says.

“I know that the author Dan Brown made a good deal of money from his book The Da Vinci Code and the film. He created a very entertaining story but remember that was just fiction; I am dealing with the facts. I don’t expect to make huge amounts of money from my work and I don’t resent the fortune Dan Brown has made from his. Good luck to him. He twisted the story to suit his purpose but don’t confuse what he was intending to do with what I have done.”

Ironically scenes from The Da Vinci Code were filmed in Lincoln Cathedral, just yards from where what is claimed to be the real Holy Grail is on show.

In his book Coleman explains that the Holy Grail was discovered in the Holy Land and became the possession of the Crusader Prince Raymond of Antioch.

In 1149 Prince Raymond gave the Grail to his niece Eleanor of Aquitaine, who took it with her to England when she married Henry II.

She kept the chalice in the safe hands of the Knights Templar, an order of Christian warriors.

By 1280 the Templars’ powers were in decline and the chalice was passed by Edward I to Bishop Sutton of Lincoln Cathedral, where it has remained ever since.

Coleman says: “The true story of the Holy Grail is both long and fascinating. Over the centuries kings, avaricious churchmen, adventurers and speculators have tried desperately to get their Grail was there to be worked out. I’m grateful that it fell to me to be the one to do it.”

So what do the Church authorities make of Coleman’s discovery?

"I think it’s fair to say that the cathedral is somewhat sceptical about these claims,” says Roy Bentham, Lincoln Cathedral’s chief executive.

“Mr Coleman has put in a lot of hard work but in our view some of his conclusions require a few leaps of faith.

No doubt people will want to see the chalice, which is secured in the treasury, and we are very relaxed about people coming here to see it.

Our bishop said recently: ‘We know that people will come to Lincoln Cathedral for many reasons and perhaps some of them will find God’.”

The Grail Chronicles by EC Coleman is published by The History Press on July 1, priced £9.99. To pre-order your copy with free UK delivery send a cheque/PO payable to Sunday Express Bookshop to PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ, or call 0871 988 8366 (calls cost 10p per minute from UK landlines) or order at www.expressbookshop.co.uk

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<br /> <br /> Merci pour cet éclairage :)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Bonjour,<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> Petite question en passant concernant le fait qu'Eleanor d'Aquitaine était, d'après l'auteur, en possession du Graal. Pourquoi donc, si cette dernière était en possession du Graal, Henri II a<br /> t'il été amené pour des raisons politiques à "découvrir" la tombe d'Arthur à Glastonbury, mais ne fait pas mention du Graal par la même occasion?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Intéressante question. Avant d’y répondre, précisons tout d’abord que les fameuses raisons politiques pour lesquelles Henri II aurait découvert la tombe d’Arthur (et de Guenièvre par la même<br /> occasion) étaient d’asseoir la légitimité du roi à la couronne d’Angleterre. Pour ce qui est d’Eléanor (ou Aliénor) d’Aquitaine, a-t-elle eu oui ou non le Graal en sa possession ? Ceci est une<br /> théorie de M. Coleman et il est difficile d’affirmer ou d’infirmer cette information. Supposons donc qu’Eleanor d’Aquitaine possédait bien le Graal. A partir de ce que l’on sait d’un point de vue<br /> historique, plusieurs interprétations sont possibles :<br /> <br /> - Eleanor d’Aquitaine a apporté le Graal en Angleterre mais l’a confié aux Templiers. Sous le sceau du secret, elle n’en a pas parlé à son mari.<br /> <br /> - Le mariage du roi avec Eleanor était loin d’être parfait. Leur relation était pour ainsi dire chaotique et la mère encouragea même ses enfants à se rebeller contre leur père.<br /> Pourquoi alors ne pas penser qu’elle ait pu cacher à son mari un si grand secret que celui du Graal ?<br /> <br /> - Eleanor avait 12 ans de plus que son mari Henri II quand elle l’épousa. C’était une femme de lettres, qui savait lire et écrire le latin et aimait les arts. Elle fut la muse de<br /> nombre de grandes figures littéraires comme Robert Wace ou Chrétien de Troyes. Pensait-elle que son jeune mari était trop novice intellectuellement pour comprendre les enjeux du Graal ? Pourtant,<br /> malgré le fait qu’Henri II était connu pour son côté impulsif, il était aussi très cultivé.<br /> <br /> - Eleanor venait d’une région dominée par les Cathares. Les Cathares se dressaient contre l’opulence de Rome et par la même occasion le catholicisme. Etait-elle influencée par la<br /> religion cathare qui refusait les enseignements des catholiques et dont les membres se considéraient comme les véritables apôtres. En ce sens, jamais elle n’aurait pu dévoiler le fait qu’elle<br /> possédait le Graal à son mari.<br /> <br /> J'espère avoir pu répondre à votre question.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Le graal serait donc ... une coupe ? J'aimerais en savoir plus sur les spéculations scientifiques de celui qui a fait cette découverte. Si il avait vraiment les preuves de ces affirmations ça<br /> figerait définitivement la forme du graal ^^...<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Il sera difficile de dire si oui ou non M. Coleman a trouvé le Graal. Il faut savoir qu'on trouve des "graal" un peu partout. Ainsi, le château de Whittington à Shropshire en Angleterre prétend<br /> avoir un sinon Le Graal, connu sous le nom de "Marian Cup". Doit-on aussi citer le fameux vase d'Antioche? Et les autres locations censées abriter le Graal: Glastonbury, Montsalvage,<br /> Brocéliande...<br /> <br /> <br /> En tout cas, il serait bien intéressant de lire ce que M. Coleman a à dire sur le sujet dans son livre: The Grail Chronicles qui retrace sa route et ses théories. Tout cela me rappelle quand même<br /> l'ouvrage de Michael Baigent et Richard Leigh paru il y a quelques années sous le titre de Holy Blood, Holy Grail (L'énigme sacrée en France) et qui nous promettait déjà la solution au Saint<br /> Graal sous la forme de la fameuse descendance du Christ.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bref, à mon avis, le Graal a encore des choses à dire!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />